
Kaozzai boat

dont fall off

7 aspects

All Sunya Commands At Your Command

raw ideas



galleries of images about me and our past

Hello. I am Kaozzai. I am building a system! I call it Sunya. Its a personal proyect. This program will help all kinds of creators to set up quickly their ideas and put together images and sounds to work in synch. Sunya takes advantage of already included features of modern browsers without the use of heavywheight, slow JavaScript frameworks. Its all written in JavaScript because the language seem to be in tune with what the program hopes to achieve. (no link to the program yet, i l let you know when its ready to see the light!)

Thanks for having me.

I am not a bad person.

y o !  Y     O
            check out
                  these series of 
                              t u b e s
Hellsing2001 ost
forever dolphin love
faking jazz together

The Monarch's Pyramid      

Jessica Gets Off

Lost Haven / Shillings (Fear & Hunger 2: Termina OST)

music list

Hollow Men

people are machines

lets all love lain


Mononoke intro. Have you seen this anime?

WARNING!  Yaping ahead . Yaping incoming . YOU HAVE BEEN ADVISED


a morning impurified dully, is starving
a night to be stained by the merciless dark

the orbit this planet goes into is destined
to be a distorted circle, forever

I curse today I am living on, cause it's same as yesterday
the uncertainty of tomorrow, I fear for

at the moment I realized, it all had been collapsed
I do nothing but I stand frozen there

a yoke to weigh down those who living with burdens
equally, ties everyone down to the earth

a struggle to call down a curse on his fate
like the dead mob rising to its feet on the ground

break today down I'd been living for, it'll be the same old yesterday
the uncertainty of tomorrow, got shattered

even if you look down and shut your heart to it
the fangs, starving for blood never be gone away

in this world, it's about to fall into ruin
the dead that's in vain, wriggles and crawls around everywhere

gonna keep on fighting, I don't know what it is for
having a fear, trembling and tears, I just keep myself together

break today down I'd been living for, it'll be the same old yesterday
the uncertainty of tomorrow, got shattered

even if the future hope finally gone away
I won't be a slave for the despair, never

a sweet mortal world, it's about to fall into decay
the swarm of the dead, groans and roars around anywhere

now it's the time to throw your hesitation off
still have a fear, but they're near, I just run out through this town alone



But why building a web site?... You want to share your personal life with your friends?.. How great is that.. to have friends.. (cant relate)
There is a price for doing this. The price is... you will also share your personal life with strangers online. Yes. No amount of security
measures will prevent strangers from learning about You on some degree. This you must accept if you want to live in peace.
I know... people will try to sell you services, systems, all kinds of measures to prevent your vital information to be leaked...
Because they have a monetary incentive to do so.... its a free market world we living in. You know?
Your personal information may provide a door for others to look into your inner beliefs and then may search for emotionally attached concepts
in your brain or in your heart to be used against you. Just like children bully other children in school. And yes there is a lot of
cruel children online because there is a lot of irresponsable adults running around. Cant help it. You have to deal with that.
Some people may even go after the accounts you use on the net to buy things. Every point of e-commerce activity you ignite and use to
buy things is a possible vulnerability. The best way to have some level of control over your finnances online is to always manage
a small amount of services. Using one single company to perform electronic transactions is gennerally a good practice. But yes, people
online will try to scam you. Just like in life offline.
That being said.... You might still want to ask yourself What is so cool about building a website?...
Because in a web site, you can customize everything. And some people will already be sold with this. . But let me elaborate just a bit
Social media has been perfected into inducing a certain mindset. Designers are paid to create sites that aim to engage you, as
a media consumer, not as a person. For monetary profit only. I know.... it sounds just as lame as it actually is.
Colors, forms, rythm.. our brains are sensible "machine like" things that react to these things. Exposing yourself to the rythm
of social media does things to your brain, and to your mind. What exactly they do? you may ask.. Well.. it may impact negatively
in the way you relate to people beyond your screen.
It may generate negative feelings towards people you havent met before simply because you are being
exposed to their personal achievements all of a sudden.
You might read people thoughts comming from very different contexts and judging others with absolute no regards to other
people personal life.
People behave differently when exposed to a specific design. We adapt to our mediums, and we also imitate others to certain extent
because deep down we are intensely wired social creatures.
We may find ourselves thinking "That is so unfair, why is she getting so much love from everyone while nobody even cares about what i
have to say?" or "This guy thinks he is so smart but he is just a poser" or "What a simp telling her girl in front of everyone he
loves her *skull emoji" or "Gosh why she gets to be so perfect and i get to be autistic and small" . And so, we compare ourselves
to others over and over and over again, simply because the algorithm keep showing us people that have achieved great things.
And since we are naturally engaged in that sort of thing, then the algo-rythm just keep showing us that because now you are interacting
with the site. 
This algo-rythm is not to blame. There is people behind that program the system to do this because they are paid to do so.
Its a monetary incentive. Nothing but monetary incentive. So it creates a void inside people that use the system. The social media system.
Thats just how it works.

But you can experience the online world in a different way. Because after all, the online world is a machine , and we can program
a machine to do anything our brains can come up with. And its really fun and empowering.

I invite you to consider people behind the screens. And i invite you to take a second before typing out what you want to say.
There is whole world of emotions you can help unveil in others just by being a bit more caring with your words.
... stay safe out there.




I think i get where you comming from old man........
You want people to introduce themselves and put all their fancy titles & good refferences to prevent ad hominem? You just endorse the thing.

  Doesnt help. Nobody cares.

"You are RETARDED"  "you are talking nonsense" 

Ok ok...  what if i am..? ..... What difference does it make..? 

  It doesnt change anything doesnt it?
You are wasting lines.

There are no closed systems.

All boxes, barriers, contentions, limits, ranges, in reality,  they are just filters.
Nothing can stop  Everything else from
going trough something else. ..look.. everything leaks.
Even an air tight seal is just a net, light passes trough the glass of the stringe.
Even a black metal box, its full of heat. What, you think heat

is not a thing? 

You think heat is just "motion" ... ok
You can call it whatever you want, there is stil something there whatever.

You need to take these thoughts in. Or you will miss out.

Abstractions cannot precisely model reality, 
this is why the equations of Heavyside where so negatively disrupting in the academic world
even after so many years... 
Some crucial vectors have been ignored.
Some crucial ideas have been neglected.
The science is incomplete. The Art is broken. Entropy is just half of a cycle.

Maybe the weather channel can ignore a few vectors, they can still predict fairly well enough if its going to rain. Its a useful thing.
Its an incredible thing indeed. But.........

Sometimes we need to be precise.

We cant always ignore what we cant define.

We havent stared into the abyss enough to jump into conclusions..




We can do a lot now. Its been a really good day. .. Just one low note when i noticed my computer slowed down to a crawl for a bit.
.. Maybe i got a virus by running my mouth on Discord too much.. .. How sad would be to loose all this work because of some
thing like that. Am always backing up everything, but at certain moments it can still be very frustrating when i cant keep up
with my own flow of ideas , like when i find myself waiting for my computer to stop doing weird shit. Am not good with cyber security.
Am not going to pretend i am. Every day i just hope someone out there can see what i am doing and somehow apreciate it. Maybe i am
being naive. I dont care. I dont know how else to aproach that scenary. I know i can loose everything in an instant.
I ve been living in the edge for far too long. I can take hunger, fear, misery, depression, stupidity... whatever.
But just let me finish my work.
I want to share it with future generations. I know its good. I know its something people will be able to appreciate.
... even tho i am working so hard... I still think this belongs to the internet. Before it was even conceived, this idea that drives
me forward.. i always knew i was standing in the shoulders of giants. Its a privilege. The time and the tools I ve been blessed with ,
by a Legion of human ghosts of the past. . the same as i will be someday. Just a ghost from the past.
Its the future what moves me. I am doing this because
i want to see the future. I will simply become a memory.. a good one. A helpful memory.




"I will write the instructions, i will execute the commands
Until all my words, become the lines your love demands
	I will carry this memory in my black heart
	with every step i take , and every beat inside
		I will never forget this strange feeling
		I promise to not let it fade, for i will follow its trace
	The most beautiful feeling i once had..
		The silence you so naturally float towards to is my infinity,
			And i am (bound) in love with everything that exists in your prescence.
(And i am in bound with everything that exists in your canvas)"




hot take
"Games are fun.

It takes a cultural shift for both
developers and players to aknowledge how current game design adictive features is impacting
negatively on players collective mental health at planetary scale.
Until the game industry really starts focusing on players mental health, we will have games 
enslaving users into meaningles dopamine retribution. 
The current state of the Art has been hijacked by marketing shady practices with no other
priority than to enforce adiction and consumerism. The game industry has become a weapon
of massive mental health disruption by shamelessly fabricating elaborated incentives
and promoting a silent spiritual war from players against themselves.
under justified escapism and consumer rights, the inmature minds of players main userbase
have rooted their ideas deeply into the belief that the current state of the Art, that is
videogames, has and should not have other purpuse than to numb their senses and
overstimulate their
brains with false achievements and fan service with absolute disregards for their own
Players fail to realize how gaming unhealthy habits undermine their own existance and those
of their families and friends as well... "

